Erin Delventhal
Medical Illustration & Animation
Creating high-quality medical illustrations and animations has allowed me to provide meaningful content to support educational and training needs in the healthcare field.

Graphic & Web Design
Far-Web, L’Encyclopedie Mediclae, Paris, France
UCSF Ophthalmology Graduate Training Program
MultiMedia Kiosk: Yosemite National Park: Environmental Learning Enrichment
UCSF Interventional Cardiology On-line Patient Tutorial
Visible Embryo/ Human Development:
Draeger GmbH. The Key to Breathing Harmony
Freeman Miller, M.D. Cerebral Palsy. Springer
SA Glantz & BK Slinker. Primer of Applied Regression & Analysis
of Variance: Edition II. McGraw-Hill, Inc. – Medical Division
MCAT Review: Edition VII. Princeton Review. Bio-Chem.
SJ Pleasure, AE Collins, DH Lowenstein Unique Expression Patterns of Cell Fate Molecules Delineate Sequential States of Dentate
Gyrus Development. Journal of Neuroscience 20(16): 6103
E Birgbauer, CA Cowan, DW Sretevan, M Henkemyer Kinase independent function of EphB receptors in retinal axon pathfinding to the
optic disc from dorsal but not ventral retinal. Development 127, p. 1237
PT Ohara, MS Chin, JH LaVail The Spread of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Trigeminal Neurons to the Murine Cornea: an Immuno-
electron Microscopy Study. Journal of Virology Vol. 74, No. 10 p. 4777-4784
RJ Weber, RA Pedersen, F Wianny, M Evans, M Zernicka-Goetz Polaristy of the Mouse Embryo is anticipated before Implantation.
Development 126, p. 5596
Cover Illustrations
IVOS (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science) Vol 42 (2)
Development Vol 127 (6)
Cell Vol 96 (2)
Commissioned Illustrations
• Stan A. Glantz, PhD. • Roger A. Pedersen, PhD.
UCSF, Div. of Cardiology UCSF, Div. of Ob, Gyn & Rs
• Brian Slinker, PhD. • Magdelena Zemicka Goetz, PhD.
Washington State Univ., Vet. Med. Univ. of Cambridge, UK
• Elyse Foster, M.D. • William Grossman, M.D.
UCSF, Div. of Cardiology UCSF, Cardiology – Chief
• Elizabeth Ryan, M.D. • Yoram Altschuler, PhD.
Melbourne, Australia Cardiology UCSF, Dept. of Anatomy
• Samuel J. Pleasure, PhD. • Dhanesh Gupta, M.D.
UCSF, Div. of Neurology UCSF, Div. of Anesthes