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INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN - Moving learning online





Transition to Online

Transition to Online

Effective Presentations

Effective Presentations

Engaging & Relative

Engaging & Relative

Online course design entails:
  • Being student-centered and aligning course materials to the end user. Know your audience.
  • Defining learning objectives, course goals and components.
  • Selecting the best pedagogy and design methods to achieve these goals. 
  • Use backwards course design to plan my course.  Writing really good learning outcomes for each stage of online instruction helps to then line up materials, activities, projects and assessments that our meaningful, constructive and ensure specific outcomes.
  • Designing assessments and engagement in a curated online learning space. (LMS). Give low stakes and high stakes exams. Think about authentic assessments or project based assignments.
  • Think about online interaction in terms of student-to-student, student-to-teacher, student-to-content to create an engaging learning environment.
  • Make sure your students knows why they are doing the activities/projects and how everything fits together so it is not just busy work.

Erin Delventhal 

Masters of Ed in ID and Technology

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